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Dog and cat welfare Animals in research
The major achievements for animals that made us who we are today

We’re on a mission to make real, lasting change for animals. For over seven decades, our work has been motivated by the...

Animals in research
70 years of fighting cruelty to animals whenever and wherever it occurs

Seventy years ago, it was the status quo for cows, pigs and other animals to experience prolonged suffering during slaughter...

What U.S. President Trump’s initial executive orders could mean for animals

Since U.S. President Donald Trump returned to the White House last month for a second term, his administration has been...

New research on Pets for Life shows how meaningful the program is

Since our Pets for Life program began in 2011, over 60 communities across the country have embraced the opportunity to ensure...

Our team donates nearly $20,000 worth of doghouses to underserved communities

The wellbeing of animals is often inextricable from the wellbeing of people, so in the spirit of bolstering both families and...

Coyotes, foxes among hundreds of animals saved from fur and urine farm in Ohio

More than 250 animals have now been safely relocated from an abysmal fur and urine farm in Hartsgrove, Ohio, to...

Undercover investigation of Nevada pet stores reveals truth behind puppy’s death

Cindy Lou’s death, and the store’s failure in its duty to provide care for her, highlights the dysfunctional and systemic...

New documentary short on Africa’s big tusker elephants exposes the cruelty killing them

This week, our team in Africa released a new documentary that highlights the threat to East Africa’s super tusker elephants...

With enforcement, the Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act will show its teeth

With allies and supporters, we have been doing all that we can to keep more sharks swimming safely in oceans all over the...